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Beginner Guitar Videos
Welcome to our library of guitar lessons for beginners. These videos will help you get started with some of the most essential information you need to begin playing guitar. Unlike our beginner guitar quick-start series these are all individual lessons. In other words, they are not part of a progressive series.
If you are brand new to playing guitar we recommend you start with the Beginner Guitar Quick-Start Series. It is a collection of progressive lessons that walk you through everything you need to know to learn how to play guitar. You may also be interested in this beginner lesson on guitar chords or browsing the guitar lessons for beginners or how to play guitar websites.
If you want to accelerate your progress we recommend you join Guitareo.com. As a member you'll get access to all of our step-by-step videos, fun play-along songs, live broadcasts, and community support. You can find out more by watching the short video here.